
Showing posts from January, 2008

What About Choicelessness?

In the world of spirituality today, particularly non-duality, the concept of 'choicelessness' has become extremely popular. We have even spoken about it. However, there is something that needs to be understood... You can not act from choicelessness!  Choicelessness is actually a realization, not a philosophy or technique by which to live, and yet many use it as if it was just that. "I will not make any effort to Awaken or to inquiry into the Self, because if it is meant to happen, it will simply happen effortlessly."  When experienced or thought of like this, the concept of choicelessness is something of a poison that infects the will. This is a very subtle point which is extremely easily misunderstood. It goes along with the concept of non-doership. The Gita tells us that even the wise are confused by the ideas of action, non-action, right action and wrong action, because there can be doing in non-doing and non-doing in doing. For instance, you decide you like the id

Poverty Consciousness VS. Simplicity Consciousness

I am often accused (by one of my local 'gurus') of "Poverty Consciousness," to which I like to remind them that what I generally have is not poverty consciousness, but rather simplicity consciousness. There's a big difference. Nowadays, with the Secret video, books on the law of attraction, the divine matrix, etc. etc. there is again a big 'new age' push for prosperity consciousness. With the vast majority of people this idea of prosperity consciousness indeed springs from their inherent poverty consciousness. The feeling that occurs for them is that "I don't have and I want!" So, I begin to visualize all the things I WANT in order to manifest them. It doesn't matter if they need them or not, whether having them will be detrimental to themselves, others or the planet. Screw all that! I WANT IT... I VISUALIZE IT ... I DEMAND IT. This has nothing to do with prosperity, just plain old greed repackaged in a new box - prosperity consciousn