Love & Light & Other Random Rants

Now, those who know me know that I'm hardly a love & light kinda guy, generally. And the reason for this is simply reactionary. In other words, too many people throw the words love & light around like baby food, without recognizing (REAL-ising) the import of those words. I recently received an email with those blessed words as the farewell and realized I hadn't seem them quite as much. (More often now I see 'blessings' or something along those lines.) So, I did a google search on the term "love & light" and came up with two articles which I felt clearly defined how I feel about them (for the most part). One is by an author Skye Thomas (no relation) and the other by a Buddhist Rev. Kinrei Bassis. Here are the links to those two websites.

And while you're at it, if you're a quotes freak like me, here is one of the better compilations of quotes I've found, also at Skye's website:

Just so you know, these articles are NOT a whole bad-mouthing of love and light, but a recognition that there is no light without dark. They are the yin & yang of life. There can be no birth without death, no happiness without sorrow and so forth amongst the myriad of dualities that arise. But I hope you'll enjoy them both. I did.

On another note, I recently ran into John Callahan who is a local cartoonist. John, a quadraplegic for the last 30 years, draws by pushing a pen with both hands. A wonderful man, he has a deep interest in truth and non-duality. I asked if he would be willing to do a picture of me and he readily agreed. The result is below. Thanks John!

As long as I've got your ear (or eyes), I've fallen in love with the song "Shine over Babylon". I googled the lyrics, and still am not sure what she is saying, or if she even is sure what she is saying - the just the line "Shine Over Babylon" practically brings me to tears. For those "in the know" of course, Babylon represents the materialistic society at large, that is ever seeking to divide us from ourselves, our community, our love. So, when I just hear that long "Shiiiiiiiii-iiiiine Over Babylon" it calls us to Awaken and to Shine. When the tumultuous noise of society, the media, the government and nearly everything else is nothing but rantings of madmen & women, we must recognize our need to SHINE OVER BABYLON.

As long as we're quoting songwriters:
"Don't let people who live in fear and hate govern how you live." - Melissa Etheridge

Unfortunately, this society has become such the norm, that most people don't even recognize that it is not normal. People have not been committing suicide and taking drugs at such an alarming rate over the millennia. Oh sure, there has always been a certain amount. but today it is epidemic - Over one million people commit suicide annually, and for each of those that succeed there are 4 to 20 who try and fail (depending on statistics). Many of the others are just so blissed out on drugs & television, they're too out of it to try.

Okay, enough with the rants and raves. Truth has two sides, and there are not enough people expressing either! In the socially/politically/spiritually "Correct" lifestyles that we are supposed to live, WE MUST SPEAK OUT OUR TRUTHS! Forget what anyone says....what is YOUR Truth? What is YOUR experience? Dig deep, toss out the crap, and keep digging.

When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.
Jimi Hendrix

Love & Light (oops)

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