The Ultimate Blog

Okay, maybe not the "Ultimate" Blog, but pretty damn close! I've been saving these for something, a book, or part of a book, or some special occasion. Well, it's Thursday. That's special enough. It's NOW!

Everyone is familiar with the question, "Who Am I?" The purpose of this question is not to answer it from a logical, mental position, but that it directs you and guides you, ultimately, to what is BEYOND, 'who' you are, more to what you might say is, WHAT you Truly are, prior to all words, concepts, beliefs, or even EX-perience - the the Pure Subjective Recognition of Self.

Well, over the years, we formulated a whole bunch of similar questions. We did this for several reasons: One, some people have problems with the 'who'. Second, utilizing other questions helps see it in a different perspective and some other question may 'resonate' better. Third, for the fun of it.

First, some understanding of the 'process'. The idea is not to answer any of these questions logically, but more like to BE the question. Contemplate what it is asking. Also, either expressed or implied in each question is the phrase "Direct Experience Of" (sometimes shortened to simply DEO). The direct experience of means "what is it like to BE that". In other words, if I were to ask you "What is the direct experience of an orange?" I'm not asking you what it looks like, tastes like or feels like, but what would the direct experience be of BEING an ORANGE. Because each of these questions points, theoretially, to something you already ARE, simply reccognize that, cognize that, rest or abide in that, and see what comes up.

We used these questions in a dyadic format, i.e. one person would ask that other the question, and the 2nd person would contemplate it, see what comes up and communicate it. You can also do it on paper. Consider a question, meditate on it and write what comes up. Non-stop writing for 5, 10, 20 or whatever minutes works best for that. Also, it is best to find one question that you particularly resonate with and use that one only for some time (hours, days, weeks, months, years) consntantly until something clearly is Awakened, Realized, Recognized, etc.

Okay, so you ready. At this point, I have 47 questions, which I haven't really looed at for awhile. You may think of others, or think some don't qualify (it's possible). But try it....seriously...and see what you think:

1. Who am I?
2. What am I?
3. Where am I?
4. What size am I?
5. What is consciousness without an object?
6. What is the direct experience of God?
7. What is the direct experience of the world?
8. What is time?
9. What is space?
10. What is direct experience of emptiness?
11. What is no-mind?
12. What is infinite unity?
13. What is direct experience of oneness?
14. What is direct experience of infinite Self?
15. What is direct experience of Absolute Subjectivity?
16. What is direct experience of no language?
17. What arises as I?
18. What is direct experience of eternal acquiescence?
19. What is the direct experience of form and emptiness?
20. What is the direct experience of no limitations?
21. What is the direct experience of naked awareness?
22. Where do you end and the Absolute begin?
23. What is the direct experience of awareness?
24. What is the direct experience of love?
25. What is the direct experience of permanent dissolution?
26. What is the direct experience of eternal freedom?
27. What is the direct experience of eternal now?
28. What is the direct experience of unlimited hereness?
29. What is the direct experience of aliveness?
30. What is the direct experience of you that is nothing you are conscious of?
31. What is the direct experience of what is prior to I Am?
32. What is the direct experience of desirelessness?
33. What is the direct experience of namelessness?
34. What is the direct experience of being no person?
35. Who is the seeker?
36. What is the silence of God?
37. What is the source of consciousness?
38. What is within and without?
39. Where do you end and the world begins?
40. What is the direct experience of Being Peace?
41. What is the direct experience of One Undivided Essence?
42. What is Eternally Unborn?
43. What is the center of Infinite "I"?
44. What is the periphery of Infinite "I"?
45. What is the direct experience of Death?
46. What is the direct experience of the Chooser?
47. What is the direct experience of the Perfection of Now?

Okay... Ready, Set, GO!

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