
Showing posts from August, 2008

Buzzkill Baba asks, "Would You Push THE Button?"

I'm not sure where this came from, but recently I, or someone has been referring to me as Buzzkill Baba. Actually, it seems quite appropriate, since my motto is "Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." Of course, nearly everyone these days, whether they will admit it or not, is afflicted, or comfortably afflicted or afflicted comfortably or... Nonetheless, as long as I can remember, there has been a tendency to zig where others zag. So, as it is common these days to try to paint a bright face on the darkness that rages, my tendency is to paint it darker, as dark as possible, and still, probably it is lighter than the reality. The bottom line - people don't want to see the truth, or as Edward R. Murrows said, " Most truths are so naked that people feel sorry for them and cover them up, at least a little bit." Perhaps I am just masochistic. Or perhaps, I really enjoy the Truth. But either way, on to the question... "Would you push THE button

The Ultimate Blog

Okay, maybe not the "Ultimate" Blog, but pretty damn close! I've been saving these for something, a book, or part of a book, or some special occasion. Well, it's Thursday. That's special enough. It's NOW! Everyone is familiar with the question, "Who Am I?" The purpose of this question is not to answer it from a logical, mental position, but that it directs you and guides you, ultimately, to what is BEYOND, 'who' you are, more to what you might say is, WHAT you Truly are, prior to all words, concepts, beliefs, or even EX-perience - the the Pure Subjective Recognition of Self. Well, over the years, we formulated a whole bunch of similar questions. We did this for several reasons: One, some people have problems with the 'who'. Second, utilizing other questions helps see it in a different perspective and some other question may 'resonate' better. Third, for the fun of it. First, some understanding of the 'proc

An Icon is Dead

Yes, I know, I haven't written much lately. And it's not because there is nothing to say, it is because there is way TOO MUCH to say, and, like looking at an overgrown garden, you sometimes just don't even know where to begin, so you don't begin at all. But the recent death of Alexander Solzhenitsyn caused me to pause for a moment and just write. So here I am just writing. Why did his death cause a pause? Because much of his life was about "the lie" particularly the lie of government, but also our own lies. Take a few moments and google Solzhenitsyn and quotes. Read a few of the things he said. “He wrote that while an ordinary man was obliged “not to participate in lies,” artists had greater responsibilities(:) “It is within the power of writers and artists to do much more: to defeat the lie!”” Our world has turned upside down. We have taken our present day "civilization" as normal. It is NOT. It is far from normal. It is brutally and deeply sick.