
Showing posts from September, 2007

Feeding Beauty or the Beast?

I came across a line of Ramana's where he compared trying to solve the problem of the mind by using the mind as something which simply 'fattens' the mind. I loved this thought and it reminded me of an image I have had recently of 'feeding the dream'. Attention is very much like food. It is an energy, and where our attention goes, that is being fed. It is one of the semi-true aspects of the 'Law of Attraction' that has been making such a hit lately. Where the attention goes, there is the outcome. That is what is being fed. Astavakra Samhita also states it very well, "ya matih sa gatih" - wherever the attention (mind, intention, etc.) there is the goal (outcome, etc.). So...what are you feeding? This is where the razor's edge comes in. It is a very fine line (as well as an enormous gorge) between putting the attention on and feeding the dream, or putting attention on and feeding the recognition of Reality. Every moment... EVERY MOMENT your atten

Popcorn or Samosa

Okay... Amar at the Indian store convinced me to take two samosas instead of one. So, you might consider this a guilt blog. If you don't know what a samosa is, you are missing one of the great Indian culinary delights, particularly if it is made well. Deep fried, vegetable savory...well spiced, just plain yummy. So, how is it that in the dream we are concerned with such things as culinary delights? Why not? So, I have a question for you: when you wake up in the morning, where does your dream go? Where does the dream you go? You recognize that it was just a dream and that it had no depth, no substance to it. Similarly, when you wake up from the waking dream, you recognize that it too has no substance to it. However, that doesn't change it. It doesn't necessarily go away...only the experiencer as a separate, localized and independent dreamer as seen as part of the dream scape. The you that disappears in the sleeping dream when you wake up in the morning, is no less substantia