
Showing posts from February, 2008

Ignorance is Bliss

"The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about and refuse to investigate." – Dr. Wayne Dyer Many years ago, I remember hearing from a friend that the only people who are happy are those who are totally in ignorance and those who are totally free. The rest are always trapped in some form of suffering. While perhaps not totally true, it would certainly appear to be more true than not. The bulk of people, as Thoreau pointed out, live lives of quiet desperation. Today, that quiet desperation is not quite as quiet. Often, I am accosted by those who try to live in bliss by putting on a brave face, but mostly, it is a form of denial. As things fall down around them, they choose to not see what is happening in order to maintain a false sense of happiness. If the truth is pointed out - whatever that truth may be - they choose to ignore it. Now the obvious - "ignore" and "ignorance". It is not coincidental that they share the same roo

Love & Light & Other Random Rants

Now, those who know me know that I'm hardly a love & light kinda guy, generally. And the reason for this is simply reactionary. In other words, too many people throw the words love & light around like baby food, without recognizing (REAL-ising) the import of those words. I recently received an email with those blessed words as the farewell and realized I hadn't seem them quite as much. (More often now I see 'blessings' or something along those lines.) So, I did a google search on the term "love & light" and came up with two articles which I felt clearly defined how I feel about them (for the most part). One is by an author Skye Thomas (no relation) and the other by a Buddhist Rev. Kinrei Bassis. Here are the links to those two websites. And while you're at it, if you're a quotes freak like me, here is one of the better compilatio