Stop And Be

How much energy does it take to maintain a lie? Everyone knows the stories of how the layers of lies become more and more complex as the truth shines through and there is a desperate attempt to plug the holes, to strengthen the façade of the lies, before the entire lie comes crashing down and the truth becomes self evident.
And yet, in our own lives, we strive desperately to maintain that which, deep down we know is a lie - the lie of our own image, of a story of personhood and deeply identifying with that person, that body, that mind - when all we have to do is STOP - just relax our hold and let it all collapse!
Stop, for a moment. What is there? What and where are YOU? What is left is infinite Reality without the shaky structure of a personal you getting in the way. What is left is the joy of pure from form or thought or ...

So for this moment, stop and BE. And again for this moment... and this one... and this one...

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