What the Heck is He Talking About Now?

Ooh! Ooh! I've done it again. I seem to have gotten myself in
trouble for telling the truth (well, at least my truth). Is there an
ultimate Truth? Only God knows. And I get the picture of God sitting
alone wondering whether he/she exists - "Most of the people I talk to
can't hear me or don't believe it's Me, and half of those who claim I
talk to them, I wouldn't give the time of day to. Hmmm?! I wonder if
I do exist?"

The last few days have been interesting. A wonderful friend wrote me
that to him, a friend is, "One with whom I can think out loud," in
other words, someone who is totally non-judgmental, totally
accepting, etc. In the last day, I have been accused of chewing on
rotting corpses, overly flirting, being too ordinary (for an
enlightened teacher), and on and on. I recently wrote about 'Being
As You Are", and I guess I'd have to say how fascinating it is to see
how delightfully the Universe responds: I Am as I Is, and the
universe says, "Can ya take it, buddy!?"

Being who you are is either the easiest thing in the world, or the
hardest. I'd prefer to make it the former. However, in order to do
that you have to let go of a lot, primarily caring what people think
of you. And how do you do that? Love. But not in the traditional
sense. Real love, as I have often pointed out, is perfect Self
intimacy. I am (and you are) the Absolute manifesting itself RIGHT
NOW, as you and as me. There is no doubt about that anywhere within
this Aja-ness. That is the nature of non-duality. Sarvam khalvidam
Brahma - "All this is the Absolute Only!" That means me, you, this,
that, all of it. God Godding! Waves on the Ocean, Sunbeams of the
Sun, gold bangles yet still just gold. I (as Aja-ness) recognize the
perfect, the pure, the Is-ness of That which I am, and that Aja-ness
is a manifestation of That. I LOVE IT. It might appear 'good' or
'bad' or whatever, and yet 'perfect' in its manifestation...as are
you and yours. So often people are trying to change. Change WHAT???
Change God? What you see is what you get, as the old adage goes. But
what is the reality behind that. If I tell you I love you, it's
because I love you. If I flirt with you, it's because I love you. If
I ignore you, it's actually because I love you. If I chastise you,
it's because I love you. And as importantly, I love ME.

Recently I heard about a satang teacher (yet another one) who had sex
with a student. People act as if this is amazing. Wake up people.
Humans have sex...constantly. What's particularly sad is that they
have to make up stories about it. "I had sex with the student because
she was having an issue." Maybe?! Probably not. They had sex because
ultimately they wanted to have sex. I love sex. It is a beautiful,
exquisite manifestation of the Divine. I'm an old fat guy, but if you
want to have sex with me, just ask my wife. She might punch you, or
more likely say, like the old comedic line, "Now, take my
husband........Please!" But people would much rather see (or
imagine) a spiritual teacher as being someone who only talks about
love & light and never says anything controversial. That's not
spiritual - that's ignorance. Or, they love the controversy, as long
as it's not pointed at them. Anything that shakes you up only shows
you what you hold onto. It is a great blessing.

So, what do you want? This always remains the most important question
for anyone. If you want love & light & fuzzy & warm, that's
wonderful. Look for that! Have that! Be that! But don't be in
illusion that that is necessarily the truth. There's the old story of
the person going to the train station and saying, "Give me a ticket."
The station master asks, "Okay, to where?" and the ticket buyer
responds, "Oh, I don't know, just anywhere." It doesn't work that
way. And yet, that's what people expect when they say they want
spiritual or truth or freedom or happiness. First, recognize what it
is that you want. The words Enlightenment or Awakened are loaded
words. A lot of beautiful and wonderful people are wandering around
touting enlightenment that wouldn't know it if it bit them on the
ass. I (Aja-ness) am not a warm and fuzzy teacher, although I
probably love you as much or more than anyone who has ever known you.
I (Aja-ness) is a fat, apparently grumpy, somewhat controversial old
fart who loves Truth, in all its manifestations, and will speak the
truth, be as I am, and will also tell you that if you want Truth,
drop every conception, deeply inquire into what IS true, who you are,
and recognize, Right Now, This is IT. In this infinite moment, all
boundaries, all ideas, all memories, all concepts, are just the mind,
and the mind is just an appearance of thoughts that are popping up
like birds in the infinite vastness of Space, and YOU, my sweet
friends, ARE that infinite space, that Awareness, that IS-ness.

Macrocosm/Microcosm ..... ONE THING ..... Impossible to get the mind
around, because the mind is one tiny thing arising in all of that
.... Here/There ..... Me/Not Me ..... Every boundary is an
illusion. What does that leave you? Where does that leave you?

God is back to wondering if He/She exists.
You do!

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