
Showing posts from July, 2007

Fire the Grid (Remix)

First, let me tell you about the miracle... I woke up. And I received a revelation... Everyone can wake up. And what's more... All the 'problems' in the world are due to being asleep, i.e. not knowing who they are, truly as simply the dream of the Absolute. However, the great revelation continued (it was a voice...I heard it in my head as plainly as I hear you groaning right now). It said to me, "Aja, get everyone to come together and we can create another miracle. Get everyone to come together at a particular time and recognize who they are and the entire world can wake up from the dream." "WHEN?" I asked. "Why, Right Now in This Moment!" "Which moment?" I pleaded. "This moment. What other moment is there, bozo?" "But," I remonstrated, "aren't some moments more spiritual than others?" "Yes, of course. This moment, Right Now, is (according to our incredible celestial and cool calculations, and t

What the Heck is He Talking About Now?

Ooh! Ooh! I've done it again. I seem to have gotten myself in trouble for telling the truth (well, at least my truth). Is there an ultimate Truth? Only God knows. And I get the picture of God sitting alone wondering whether he/she exists - "Most of the people I talk to can't hear me or don't believe it's Me, and half of those who claim I talk to them, I wouldn't give the time of day to. Hmmm?! I wonder if I do exist?" The last few days have been interesting. A wonderful friend wrote me that to him, a friend is, "One with whom I can think out loud," in other words, someone who is totally non-judgmental, totally accepting, etc. In the last day, I have been accused of chewing on rotting corpses, overly flirting, being too ordinary (for an enlightened teacher), and on and on. I recently wrote about 'Being As You Are", and I guess I'd have to say how fascinating it is to see how delightfully the Universe responds: I Am as I Is, and the

Happy Independence Day ?!?

First, a major caveat: This is not about awakening in the traditional sense. In other words, it is not about exploring consciousness, recognizing who you are, in the Radical Enlightenment way. However, what we are about is Truth. More than anything, our life has been dedicated to the pursuit of what is Truth, what is real, and sometimes this incorporates what is part of the apparent dream. Everything is part of the great Lila, the divine dance. To hide from any aspect is to hide from Truth. So, sometimes it is necessary to ask oneself - are you truly seeking Truth, in EVERY aspect, or are you seeking mollification and escapism? It's all an illusion, right! So whatever happens in the dream is only a dream. If you are sure of this, then truly let it all go and totally retreat into the pure essence of consciousness without stopping. However, if you are only seeking happiness (i.e. pleasure and pleasantries in the name of spirituality) then you are NOT seeking Truth. Truth comes in m